5 Created by adminNew Testament Quiz English New Testament Quiz How Well Do You Know Your Bible (New Testament)?Hey there!, Welcome to this quiz session. These are quiz questions drawn from the new testament to help you examine your bible knowledge.Play, learn and share!.God Bless You. Your Name Name Who was the first person to be called a evangelist in the New Testament? Philip Titus Timothy Silas Who was the first person to be murdered in the Bible? Seth Adam Abel Cain Who was the first person to be called a prophet in the Bible? Jonah Elijah Abraham Moses In which book of the Bible can you find the Ten Commandments? Deuteronomy Exodus Leviticus Genesis Who was the first person to be filled with the Holy Spirit in the Bible? Saul John the Baptist Peter Mary Who was the first person to sin in the Bible? Cain Eve Abel Adam Who was the first person to speak in tongues in the Bible? John Peter Paul Stephen Who was the first person to be called an Apostle in the Bible? Andrew Peter John James In which book of the Bible can you find the story of the Tower of Babel? Numbers Leviticus Genesis Exodus Who was the first person to be called a saint in the Bible? Abraham Moses Jonah Elijah Who was the mother of Jesus? Rachel Leah Sarah Mary Who is the patron saint of travelers? St. Christopher St. Peter St. Thomas St. Paul Who was the first person to be called a judge in the Bible? Gideon Samson Deborah Jephthah Who was the first person to be resurrected in the Bible? Abraham Jesus Lazarus Elijah In which book of the Bible can you find the story of Noah's Ark? Exodus Genesis Leviticus Deuteronomy Who was the first person to be healed by Jesus in the Bible? The man who was blind from birth The woman with the issue of blood The man with the demon-possessed son The man with leprosy Who was the first woman mentioned in the Bible? Eve Leah Sarah Rachel Who was the father of John the Baptist? Joseph Zachariah Abraham Isaac Who was the first king of Israel? Saul Abraham Solomon David Who was the first person to be raised from the dead by Jesus in the Bible? Lazarus The son of the widow of Nain Jairus' daughter The man who was born blind In which book of the Bible can you find the story of the parting of the Red Sea? Leviticus Deuteronomy Genesis Exodus Who was the first person to be called a prophetess in the Bible? Sarah Miriam Deborah Hannah Who was the first person to be killed for their faith in the Bible? Andrew Stephen John James Who was the first person to receive a vision from God in the Bible? Abraham Jonah Moses Elijah Your score isShare And Bless Others! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Like and Share Our Page 0% Restart quiz Exit