Waiting on the Lord

Waiting on the Lord

By Eric Jinkwen

Isaiah 40:31: "But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint."

Most of us don’t like waiting. Particularly if we are waiting for something to change or to get better. Waiting can be a very frustrating experience. But the worst kind of waiting of all is waiting on God.

When God forces you to wait for things to get better in your life, for things to improved, to change or to get reversed, and nothing is happening. And yet, over and over again in the Bible, we are told to wait on the Lord.

John Maxwell said, “The most difficult place for you to be in life is in God’s waiting room.” Some of you are there right now. When you are in a hurry for something to happen and God is not. You are in God’s waiting room. Some of you are in a hurry to graduate, to get married, to start a family, to lunch a new business, to close a big deal.

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Some of you are in a hurry for a big goal, a big dream, a big accomplishment, all kinds of different things you want to do, but God is not.
We as humans, we hate waiting and we especially struggle with waiting on God. We are so impatient in nature. Especially in these days that many things have become so fast, internet, microwave…
Have you ever been in a hurry and God is not. You are praying and trusting God to act fast.

You know this is His will but He is not doing anything in your favour. You are asking, “God where are you?” And we get so impatient, we want to hurry God up, we want things to happen right now.
Some of you have been waiting and you are about to give up. You are so discouraged.
It is worth to realize that God’s time is not your time. When in the waiting room of God, that is when we learn to trust God the most. That is when God rises and builds our character the most.
In the pain of waiting, we learn to trust God.

Understand this, while you are working on your projects, your dreams and your goals, God is working on you. God is much more interested on you than on what you are trying to accomplish. Because you will not take your accomplishments to heaven, you will take with you your soul and character. Sometimes God tells you, “yes I intend to answer you prayers, I intend to fulfill your dreams, but you are not ready yet. I want you to grow then your dream is going to happen.”

A lot of times we are waiting on God for a prayer to be answered when God is saying, “you are not waiting on me, I am waiting on you to grow, to change. I am trying to prepare you. I am testing your faith and trying to grow you up because the blessing I want to give you is so much bigger than the your present version.” So, you need to upgrade some software and applications in your life. You are not ready for it. You cannot handle the next phase with this version of you.

Another thing you have to learn in life is that a delay is not a denial. There is a big difference between “no” and “not yet”. Only children do not know the difference. Wait on the Lord.
When you are in God’s waiting room, you can assess your immaturity level by looking at the kinds of emotions and ideas that run through your mind. Is your heart stable on God? Or are you doubting and blaming God?
Learn you grow while waiting.
May God bless you and renew your strength while you are waiting.

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