
Voir La Gloire De Dieu

Plusieurs personnes croient en l’existence de Dieu mais très peu croient en Dieu. Croire en Dieu ne veut pas dire aller à l’église ou lire la Bible ou réciter quelques prières. Croire en Dieu ce n’est être dans la chorale ou arborer des titres religieux.


They Will Not Prevail

This truth very much applies to the case of Christ and the Pharisees. Long before Christ came into the world, the Pharisees commanded high esteem among the Jews. They, indeed, craved the praise of men and positioned themselves as custodians of God’s holy standard.


Message To God’s People For The Year 2022

Message To God’s People For The Year 2022.

Happy New Year to everyone reading this. I officially want to welcome each and everyone of you to the year 2022. It is a year of “Triumph and exploits for Children of God”.
Message to God’s people for the year 2022.
This new year will be a year of ….

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