You have been fully equipped for your assignment
By Eric Jinkwen ; –
Jeremiah 1:9 Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me: “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth."

Everything God created is an answer to a need or a solution to a problem. Every human is created for an assignment, for reward, for blessing. Children are a blessing. We said yesterday that our assignment is designed by God. Our assignment is also to a particular group of people. We cannot meet all the need of all the people. That will be taking the place of God. In a company, you cannot do everything: you are a guard, secretary, manager at the same time, no!
In a church you cannot also do everything. You are a part of the body and every part has its function. Every part is necessary to the good functioning of the body.
God also equipped each of us for our assignment. When Jeremiah heard of his assignment, he complained that he was only a youth. In order word, Jeremiah saw himself inadequate to carry out such a task.
He saw himself unqualified for such an assignment.
Have you been feeling that way?
Do you undermine yourself?
Know that you are not alone to feel that way. Many have also felt that way before and even today. However, the power and abilities to carry out God’ assignment is divinely given. You are created with the capacity to fully carry out your assignment.
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The first equipping of God to those he assigns is His presence with us in what He has called us to do. God said to Jeremiah, “Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you” (Jeremiah 1:8). If you are a child of God, you have the abiding presence of God to back you up in His mission for your life.
Secondly, God said to Jeremiah, “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.”
(Jeremiah 1:9).
Jeremiah needed to use his mouth quite often for his assignment. And so, God stretched forth His hand and put His word in Jeremiah’s mouth. If you look well, you will find out in you talents, abilities, a personality that is fit for your God given assignment, not the one that you framed, but God assignment.
God has given you a SHAPE that is appropriate for the fulfillment of His assignment for you. SHAPE is an ACRONYM coined by Rick Warren it represents: Spiritual gifts, Heat bit or passion, Abilities, Personality and Experiences.
So, don’t say you are not qualified. If God has called you to do something, you can be sure you have His backing and the capacity given by God to do it.
Spend some more times in His presence. Take a retreat. Seek the face of the Lord more. Ask Him questions. There are treasures in you that will be a reward to this world. Hallelujah!
Father, thank You for all the gifts, abilities and talents you have placed in me from birth and at new birth so that I can be fully equipped to fulfill my assignment. Help me Lord to discover them and to use them appropriately for your glory in Jesus name, amen.