
5 Reasons Why Jesus is Not God Biblical Insights

The question about who Jesus Christ is has sparked many debates among many. Some people think that certain scriptures indicate that Jesus is not God. However, if we take a closer look, we can find a more detailed and complex understanding. In the following paragraphs, we will explore five common arguments that suggest Jesus is not God and provide explanations.

1. Jesus Said, ‘The Father is Greater than I’ (John 14:28)

People often use this verse to claim that Jesus is less important than God. Nevertheless, this verse actually reveals Jesus’s human side and His purpose while He was on Earth. To grasp its meaning, we need to consider the Incarnation, which teaches that Jesus was both fully human and fully divine. In His human form, Jesus showed humility and obedience to God the Father, but this doesn’t mean He wasn’t divine. Instead, it underscores the enigmatic duality of His nature.

2. Jesus Prayed to the Father (e.g., Luke 22:42)

Some people think that because Jesus prayed to God, it means He is not as important as God. But, actually, these prayers show how Jesus and God relate in the Trinity and Jesus’s job as a mediator. When Jesus was a human, He showed us how to depend on and talk to God. He was a perfect mix of being human and divine. His prayers don’t mean He wasn’t divine; they just show He was fully human too.

3. Jesus Did Not Know the Hour of His Return (Mark 13:32)

Certain people say that Jesus not knowing when He would return proves He isn’t God. But, this actually points out that when Jesus was in human form, He had some limitations. It shows His humility and the mystery of when He became a human. He chose to limit some of His godly powers. So, Him not knowing the exact time isn’t saying He’s not divine; it’s showing how human He was.

4. Jesus is Called the Son of God, Not God (e.g., Matthew 14:33)

The title ‘Son of God’ is often misunderstood as implying Jesus’s distinct and lesser nature compared to God. In reality, this title signifies His unique and equal relationship with the Father. It’s a term that underscores His divine origin and equality with God, not a subordinate status. The Son of God title reflects His unique role and position within the Trinity, affirming His divine essence.

5. Jesus Died on the Cross (e.g., Mark 15:37)

The argument that Jesus’s death disproves His divinity stems from the idea that God cannot die. However, this perspective overlooks the Incarnation’s profound mystery, where Jesus, in His human nature, experienced death. His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection are central to Christian faith, demonstrating His power over death and confirming His divine identity. His death does not diminish His divinity but rather highlights the redemptive purpose of His incarnation.

In conclusion, the Bible makes it clear: Jesus is God. John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This means Jesus was always there and is God. Also, Colossians 2:9 tells us, “In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.” This is saying that everything about God is in Jesus. And when Thomas in the Bible saw Jesus after He came back to life, he called Jesus “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28).

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