
Your Attitude Is the Difference

Abundant Life Devotional
By Eric Jinkwen


Number 14:24, “But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it.”

Attitude does not only make the difference, attitude is the difference in people. Attitude is the secret behind altitude. Attitude was the difference in Joshua and Caleb on one side and the ten other spies on the other side. It is what the Bible calls in Joshua and Caleb, a different spirit. Our passage says, “But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit…”

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While ten spies were discouraged and contaminated the Israelites with the spirit of fear and unbelief, Joshua and Caleb saw an opportunity for God to be glorified. Joshua and Called had a different attitude towards the people they saw in the Promise Land.

So, they follow God wholeheartedly. God promised to bring them into the land so that they will inherit it. Attitude was the difference in them.
Attitude will make the difference in your life. Are you discouraged, complaining? Murmuring? Transformed your attitude.

Attitude was the difference in David and Saul. David was a grateful man. Even as a shepherd-boy in the bush, he was grateful. He upheld a spirit of thanks and praise to God. And it made the difference in his life. When others saw a terrifying giant in Goliath, David saw a fat and big target that he could not miss with his sling.

You can choose to see a cup half full when others see a cup half empty. You can chose to see opportunities in the midst of challenges and problems. Choose your attitude carefully, because it will make the difference.

Take responsibility over your attitude.

Be positive, optimistic and grateful in life. Decide to change your bad attitude if you know of any. Think, act, talk and conduct yourself like the person you want to become. Your attitude towards yourself, others and God is the difference.

You can’t dislike yourself and have a good attitude at the same time. You can’t dislike people and have a good attitude at the same time. You can’t be angry at God and expect Him to help you at the same time. Find something positive in every situation you are going through and find something positive in every people you meet, even the most difficult people.

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You can’t change people; you can only change YOU. Smile at every situation and people, and if you do, you will find out that people and life will smile back at you. Praise the Lord.


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