God's And Devil's Patience

God’s And Devil’s Patience

2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slow to do what he has promised, as some think. Instead, he is patient with you, because he does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants all to turn away from their sins.

1 Peter 5:8

Be alert, be on the watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams round like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 

Being the humans that we are, we are most likely to procrastinate many things in our daily routines; in our businesses, education, meetings, projects and most importantly, spiritual issues that we need to address
on time. We procrastinate many things not minding the consequences we might be faced with over time if we finally do not accomplish the things we have been pushing aside.

Though the act of procrastinating issues might sometimes be necessary, as it might be a way of giving ourselves time to bring out the best of us.
However, at the same time, it also might be the cause of our future failure as we do not know what the “unseen powers” are up to while we plan.

In this life, you are either ruled by the Spirit of God or you are ruled by the devil. For this reason, there are certain decisions you must take now that you have breath, lest it becomes too late. Some of these critical
decisions are:

1. Your Salvation

John 3:16
You’ve probably heard this verse over and over again and maybe – just maybe, you have not yet accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart and made Him your Lord and Savior. This could be the right time for you to do that beloved.

If God has let you live up until this hour then, perhaps it is because He doesn’t want to lose one of His dearest children again. Please do not procrastinate your salvation for a future time to come. Remember, the Lord is patient, but the devil is waiting for the least opportunity to take away that life of yours before it is saved. Tomorrow might be too late.

Read also: The Mercy Of God

2. To Let Go of Deliberate/Voluntary Sin

Romans 6:23
Beloved, sinning voluntarily is like deliberately taking a sip from a glass of poisoned substance every now and then but at the same time, hoping it wouldn’t kill you.
A sin is a sin; whether big or small. Do not let the devil drive you through the way of destruction.

Take a decision to stop whatever you know is not in line with God’s Word. Do not hope to stop in the future. Tomorrow may be too late. Remember, just like robbery always claims the life of the robber (Proverb 1:19), so does every wrong act you commit reclaim your life as collateral.
God must have overlooked some of your wrong doings for a long time because of His unfailing mercy, but what of the devil? Where is he driving you to?

3.Not Taking God’s Sufficient Grace For Granted.

2nd Corinthians 12:8-9
We most times hold unto the sufficiency of God’s grace as a tangible back up for our sins and unwillingness to obey God or use it to serve as excuse for our prolonged deviation from living by God’s standards. But I will like you to know this:
-When John the Baptist deviated from the message of repentance and preparation of Jesus coming to go on talking about Herod’s marriage, his head was demanded on a platter of gold. God’s grace didn’t prevent his tragic dead. (Isaiah 40:3, Mark 1:1-5, John 6:14-29)

-When Lot’s wife turned and looked towards Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities which God was destroying, she became a pillar of salt. Simply because she disobeyed the escape condition that was given to them by
the angels of the Lord (Genesis 19:12-26).
In other words, God’s grace is limited; God’s grace is only enough in the domain of function He had defined for you. If you cross the line, His grace wouldn’t be there to save you.

Funny enough, most of us have been riding off the path for a long time and yet nothing has happened to us; its all thanks to this very grace but it is time you turned around now before you exceed the boundaries. Do not let the devil ride you along to a point of no return. God’s mercy and patience is not an approval; do not let the devil take advantage of you. Return while there is still time.

There Is Still Time Beloved, God has set out time for everything. He knows the time you were born and when you will die because he set them all:

Psalms 139:16
He, the Lord, has numbered your days and knows what He expects you to use each day for. The fact that you are young today doesn’t mean you will grow old before you die. Everyone has been allotted his/her own time of existence on earth and just like some died when they were born and others died later, so are our days of departure unpredictable and different. You can be called at any time.

God has given you and I a limited time on earth. However, the devil does not know your exact day of departure, but the best he can do is make you think you’ve got all the time on your side meanwhile he works out his attack plans to take you unaware. It is time you fully entrust your life to the One who cherishes it the most. Invest this little undefined time you have to live for the Lord; use it to accomplish His purpose for your life while you’ve got the chance to.

Read Also: Align Yourself

All the above being said is just to remind you that God’s patience shouldn’t be taken for granted. He needs you to take hold of the opportunity He is giving you to make great changes again. It is never too
late. As long as you’ve got life, you’ve got another chance. If you have been living with the consciousness of all these already, we thank God. Keep up and you won’t regret it.
God Loves You!

Thanks for your time.
Feel free to drop any comment or questions about this topic.

If You Haven’t Accepted the Lord Jesus as Your Lord and Saviour and You Want To, I Invite You to Sincerely Pray This Prayer with Me; Just Say:
“Lord Jesus, I Repent of My Sins. Come Into My Heart and Be My Lord and Saviour! I Accept Your Life in Me This Day Never to Turn Back Again. I Am Save in Jesus Name. Lord Jesus, Please Fill Me with Your Precious Holy Spirit! I Receive Him in Me Now in Jesus Name!” Amen!

Writer: Bechem Eyong G.
Assistant: Kathy E.
Volume 8

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