Align Yourself

Align Yourself

9: On the other hand, if I say that I am going to plant or build up any nation or kingdom,
10: But then that nation disobeys me and does evil, I will not do what I said I would.
Jeremiah 18:9-10


Many of us, even children of God, think that what God has destined for us will surely come to pass no matter the time it may take and irrespective of what we do with our lives, leaving out the fact that we have a role to play in God’s divine plan for our lives.

How mistaken can we be?!

Brethren, it is true that all peoples were created by God (Revelations 4:11) but not all of us will make it to heaven. This is because we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (Romans 3: 23) and as a result we all by nature deserve death and eternal damnation; and the only way we can be saved to go to heaven is by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9-10) who died to take our sins away, confessing our sins, forsaking them and receiving God’s forgiveness. However it doesn’t end there.

There are other things we must do:

i. You need to be baptized with water and of the Spirit( Baptized by the Spirit).(John3:3-6);
ii. You need to maintain the righteous life you have now received through
Jesus Christ (in obedience to God) till the day you leave this world.(1st Corinthians 9:27,Hebrews 4:1, 2nd Peter 3:17-18).

Unfortunately, not everyone has done the above, including some who say they are Christians. Consequently, whatever God has destined for you – no matter how great it may be – if you don’t align yourself by living according to His will, you will never possess it. Just like you cannot become a medical doctor by going to a football school, or become a pilot by going to a medical school; you also cannot possess God’s promise or destiny for your life without going through God’s school and be approved.

The scripture records in Romans 12:2:
“Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God –what is good and pleasing to him and is perfect”

So, in order for that promise or destiny to come true, you need to – in line with the above scripture:
*Separate yourself from the world. Cut off every form of distraction from worldly things or person that is hindering your divine progress.

Read also: Have you been marked?

*Let your mind be renewed (transformed) by God:

Start studying the scriptures, meditate on it daily, live a life of obedience to the word of God, and do well to carry out other spiritual exercises( praying, fasting, listening to gospel teachings) to keep you firm and moving forward in your walk with God.

That’s how God will be able to lead you into His divine destiny and purpose for your life. Remember, if you don’t start living according to God’s will and on God’s terms, you will likely miss your divine destiny just as these great men below did:

1. King Saul

King Saul would have reigned as King even till his death, but his disobedience to God’s command in 1st Samuel 15 caused him to be rejected by God. In his case, God regretted ever making him King because of the numerous times he displeased God.

2.The Young Prophet

His ministry was cut short after he was killed by a lion as a result of his disobedience towards God. (1st Kings 13:1-32)

3.Moses and Aaron

These two great men were denied the privilege of entering the promised land with God’s people because of their disobedience to God’s command.(Numbers 20:7-13 and Numbers 20:23-29)

4. Samson

Samson was a strong man – a judge for the people of Israel. The secret to his strength lied within his hair being untouched (as in his hair not being shaved right from birth). This secret had to stay between his parents, God and himself. However, because of his adulterous lifestyle, he found a prostitute whom (unknown to him) his enemies were willing to pay just so she can get Samson to tell the secret of where his strength comes from. As seen in Judges 16 : 15 – 21, he told this prostitute the secret to his strength – his hair – and so she cut his hair, his strength left him and as a result he was captured by his enemies and his destiny was cut short.
Has God promised you anything? Has he revealed to you part of His will for your life? Do you want it to come to pass? Believing in him is not enough, start living the way he wants you to. Start doing what he requires of you as his child; stay on course and that which he has promised for you will surely
come to pass at the right time.

9: On the Other Hand, if I Say That I Am Going to Plant or Build Up Any Nation or Kingdom,

10: But Then That Nation Disobeys Me and Does Evil, I Will Not Do What I Said I Would.
Jeremiah 18:9-10

Read also: Seeking God’s Truth

God Loves You!

Kindly drop your comments and questions!

If You Haven’t Accepted the Lord Jesus as Your Lord and Saviour and You Want To, I Invite You to Sincerely Pray This Prayer with Me; Just Say:
“Lord Jesus, I Repent of My Sins. Come Into My Heart and Be My Lord and Saviour! I Accept Your Life in Me This Day Never to Turn Back Again. I Am Saved in Jesus Name. Lord Jesus, Please Fill Me with Your Precious Holy Spirit! I Receive Him in Me Now in Jesus Name!”

Assisted by: Kathy E.

This is our own way of bringing the gospel to you! Please be a blessing to another by sharing. Thank you!

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