Seeking God’s Truth
Seeking God’s Truth
An extract from CBC Douala Center Association Youth And Student Spiritual Empowerment Seminar.
Speaker: Rev Adolphe Nyassoke
John 17;17 : Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth John 8;31-32, ,36 : To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” --- 36, So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed
We must come to understand that spiritual growth is the process by which falsity is replaced by the truth.
Seeking God’s truth requires energy!
Below are some points to note about seeking the truth.
1- seeking God’s truth brings about sanctification
The truth has the ability to make us holy. Sanctification requires the revelation of the word of God.
The revelation is progressive and growth as well.
2- seeking God’s truth sets us free
You need the truth to be able to discern God’s will. Lack of truth is sign or the presence of darkness and ignorance
3- God’s truth teaches us and transforms us
The word of God is the light of God.
How do you seek that truth??
John 15;4-5
- you need to be born again and have a personal relationship with God.
How do I remain in Jesus ?
1-you need to accept the authority of the word of God
2-you need to assimilate the word of God.
Your mind needs to be fill with the word of God for it to transform you.
3-practice the principles
It is useless to know the truth when you don’t practice it.
If the word of God you have being listening to since you became a child of God hasn’t or is not transforming you then stop.
Read also: how to pray effectively
Remaining in Jesus makes you to live a life of integrity. No duplicity in life….
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Funteh Prophet
March 14, 2022Great ? 0ne. More Grace
March 14, 2022Really we need to accept God’s word, understand and live by the Word.
Herald Columbus
March 14, 2022What a timely message
Wiykiynyuy fogue leslyarode
March 14, 2022What a wonderful experience