
A Place to Always Be

Abundant Life Devotional
By Eric Jinkwen

A Place to Always Be

Psalms 122:1
​I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!”

A lover of God is a lover of God’s presence and God’s house. Every genuine child of God loves the house of God. David was a typical example. Nothing moved the heart of David like going to the house or presence of God. What is so special about the house of God?
In Psalm 16:11, David mentions three important things:

(1) You make known to me the path of life.

In God’s presence, we are instructed on the path of life. True life is in knowing and serving the purpose of God. More than philosophies and human wisdoms, we receive true values and principles of life in God’s presence.

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(2) David also said, in your presence there is fullness of joy.

There is great and true joy in the presence of God. Take note, he said, fulness of joy. That means we can have little joy elsewhere, but the fulness of joy is in God’s presences. The gathering of God’s children is always accompanied with moments of celebrations. Joy is a major characteristic of God’s kingdom and God’s people. Receive that fulness of joy.

(3) David finally said, at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Hallelujah! Are you seeking for true and lasting pleasure in life? Learn to be always be in God’s presence and also to meet with other Christians in God’s house. Pleasures forevermore can not be found in bars with beers, nor in nightclubs and sex. Pleasure forevermore cannot be found in houses, cars and money, no. All these things only gives an illusion or temporal pleasure. Pleasure forevermore is only in God’s presence.

Many church buildings have been dedicated as God’s house, make it your habit to always be there. If there is not gladness in your heart on Sunday morning or other weekly appointment for worship services, then it might simply mean that you may not yet be in true relationship with the true God of David. The Spirit of God in a man, gives him the gladness to go into his house. Are you glad on Sunday morning to go to Church? Tomorrow is Sunday, plan to be there.

Read Also: The Lord Strong and Mighty

Prayer. Father thank you because in your presence, you make known to me the path of life; in your presence I can experience the fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore. Plant my feet in your house O God, Amen!

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