
Can I Get Free from Addiction?

Can I Get Free from Addiction? If you find yourself asking yourself if you can beat addiction, my answer is anything is possible with God. How do I know? I was stuck in addiction for a long time and found freedom from it, by the grace of God. It’s good that you are here, not […]


Abiodun Aremo

Abiodun Aremo is a minister of God, conference speaker, author and coach on Marriage, Sex and Sexuality, Parenting, Youths and Family life with more than 10 years of experience.


Hearing God’s Voice

One of the most essential parts of our walk with God  is being able to communicate with Him. This involves talking (praying) and hearing him talk back. It is true that God speaks to us through the written word – the Bible. However, God is not limited to speaking to us just through His (written) word.


Poor But Rich!

Though they were materially poor and going through these challenges, Jesus who has the proper expertise to evaluate their lives said, they were rich. Hallelujah! Which riches was Jesus referring to? Rich in their relationship with God. Rich in their spiritual contain which is in fact the true riches of a man. You can look physically and materially poor, but very rich spiritually.


Beware of the Egyptians!!

Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the LORD!” (ISAIAH 31:1)


Hold Fast What You Have Received!

Revelation 2: 25 “But hold fast what you have till I come.” Meditation: Beloved, before you hold fast to anything, you must make sure that what you are holding is authentic. Let me reassure you, the salvation that you received in Jesus Christ is authentic. Sometimes, we Christians behave as if we were the most […]


It’s Free!!!!!!!

When God sent His Son to earth, He opened the door of salvation to whoever would believe. That means anyone can become a child of His and have everlasting life! Isn’t it good that He didn’t just come to save certain kinds of people? Aren’t you glad He doesn’t have a list of rules and conditions for salvation?


Let Your Works Be Perfect Before God

If you have notice, for the past two days we have been in the book of Revelation, meditation of Jesus’ words to the churches.
The church in Sardis is known as a dead church. Jesus addressing the church said, “I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.” What a terrible description to a church.


God’s Word for You Today

The popular saying that “a person who knows how to show appreciation for a previous favour will receive another”, instructively guides us into our discussion today. It is doubtful if there is any culture the world over where good gestures are not appreciated.


He Has Time for You!

Some of us who did village hunting can still remember how our dogs would call us to go for hunting or to follow it and pick a game it had caught. Sometimes it was our parents who would tell us to follow the dog who was nudging, wagging the tail and even taunting on us.

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