Healing depression won’t happen just by knowing what the causes are. Instead we must do something about these things if they exist in our lives. Some of these causes are not necessarily due to sin or any wrongdoing, but many of them are. So let’s take a view of how they might manifest in our lives.
The first quarter of the year is almost over. Three months are going by in 2022. What account can you give? What results can you present?
At the beginning of the year, we all had 365 days, equal to 8760 hours. Can you imagine that 90 days are gone?
I want you this morning to see how merciful this God is. God is not after the destruction of men he created in His imagine. No! He does not take pleasure in the killing of sinners. Rather, because of His great mercy, He gives an opportunity to every one to repent and be saved.
God is not against you. What ever trouble you face, don’t blame God for any unfortunate situation in your live. Wickedness is not of God.
Even at a time when no one could imagine that David will remember the covenant, David had no rest. The covenant was speaking. So, for Jonathan’s sake, David decides to show his kindness. When the king decides to show you kindness, you can rest assured that your life will change for good. David knew what it means to obtain kindness from God.
Beloved, God is more interested in transforming you from the inside our than in changing situations around you. Being filled with the fullness of God required the comprehension of the four dimensions of God’s love.
God has done everything to put you over and make sure all is right and well with you, because of His great love for you.
God warned Israel not to see success and victory over their enemies as achievements by their prowess and bravery.
Faith Baptist Church, under the Cameroon Baptist Convention located beside the Douala (Cameroon) Airport has been a blessing to many who live around and beyond that their location.
Under the leadership of God’s servant, Pastor Nehemiah MUNTEKA, the Church built a strong Christian family with a bond of love who share precious moments of fellowships, weddings and other awesome events for God’s Glory.
Abundant Life Devotional By Eric Jinkwen Believing Leads You to See God’s Glory John 11:40: Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” Mary and Martha had a brother called Lazurus who became critically sick. They were all close friends of […]
Whatever you have gone through and have suffered even in your childhood God can terminate today if you believe. If you can believe it, you can have it. Jesus’ answer to the man’s request is clear, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”
God’s And Devil’s Patience. We must understand that the word patience applies in God’s supreme will and also in the end time plans of the evil one. The Bible clearly makes us understand that the Lord is patient with everyone to turn to Jesus as the Savior of the world, but this patience shouldn’t be abused. We must also be alert and not be ignorant of the tricks of the devil because in his patience, he meditates evil to cause destruction and kill…
Many of us, even children of God, think that what God has destined for us will surely come to pass no matter the time it may take and irrespective of what we do with our lives, leaving out the fact that we have a role to play in God’s divine plan for our lives.
How mistaken can we be?!
Have You Been Marked? God will put his mark (stamp) of ownership on you for the day of redemption; you will be raised with every other believer and not be exempted like those without the mark.
Thus to receive the mark of God you need to receive God’s Spirit and this can only be possible if you are saved (born again)…
Prayer , is an act of communication with your Father, the LORD GOD. It is a too and fro process; where which you say something and you expect an answer in return. In other words, it is a one on one meeting with God. And if you must always get results after such prayers, you actually need to know how to go about it the right way.
In today’s study, we are going to talk about praying with your mind; which is simply praying with your understanding…
Have you ever wandered why too many Christians are not victorious in in life? It is good to know that there are different levels of faith …
We all need changes in our lives and positive changes is what we desire most. Change whether positive or negative, results from the words you pay attention to, and the thoughts they stir up in your heart. The Lord Jesus taught His disciples to hear and think right. In Mark 4:24, He said “…Take heed what you hear…” Then in Luke 8;18, He said, ” Take heed therefore how you hear …”
The story is told of villagers who waited for rain for a long time. One day, they agreed to gather and pray for God to send them rain. On the set day as they came together, there was a young boy among them who came with an umbrella.
We must come to understand that spiritual growth is the process by which falsity is replaced by the truth.
Seeking God’s truth requires energy!
The truth has the ability to make us holy. Sanctification requires the revelation of the word of God.
The revelation is progressive and growth as well.
First and foremost, I will like you to know that the Holy Spirit is a PERSON; that is, He has all the characteristics of a person and more to that, He is God himself.
As a person, I mean to say He has:
Someone said, a closed mouth will produce a closed destiny. When you see things going wrong in your life and around you, it is a call for concern; a call for prayers.