Please Separate From Me

Please Separate From Me

How come Abraham arrive at this point in life with Lot?
How can an uncle separated from his nephew?
The Bible reveals to us that God called Abraham to leave his country and his father’s house to a place God will show him.
There was no allusion to Lot or any other relative in that promise and in the plan of God for Abraham, but Lot also, who went with Abram, had flocks and herds and tents.


Develop and Maintain Godly Habits

Do you know that you can also learn godly and spiritual habits? Yes! In fact the best way to break free from ungodly habits is to replace them with godly ones.
Jesus Christ grew up with the habit of going to the synagogue and the Temple on the sabbath day. You remember the Bible says that, at the age of twelve, He was discussing with religious leaders in the Temple Court.

How To Pray Effectively With The Mind

Your Knowledge of God will Determine your Worship

Psalm 100 is an invitation to all people to praise and give thanks to God. There is a strong emphasis about coming into the presence of God, V1-2.
This Psalm sums up the emphasis of a series of Psalms (95-100) on God’s sovereign rule, His goodness to His people, the responsibility of all nations to acknowledge Him, and the importance of God’s people exalting & worshiping Him.


Three Major Sources of Problems in the World

The passage above is the explanation of all chaos in the world today. Generally with the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, the world lost its original standard. Everything became corrupt and stripped of God’s intended purpose and plan.
Consequently, many things went wrong and will continue to go wrong till the second coming of Jesus Christ. Let us see some major sources of problems in the world.

Steps To Increasing God's Favor In Your Life

I am a Benefactor of His Favour

Favour is a fundamental attribute of God that springs from His grace, His mercy and His love. It’s what Jesus did at Calvary that earned you the favour of God.
Not your good life or good account. You can obtain favour from God. It is not by merit; if it is, then it is not longer favour. I am not by any way saying that you should live carelessly and not seek to please God. No! But know that his favour is a gift, not a merit. We use this word “favour” in our every day language.

Turn-Your-Problems Into Praises

Turn Your Problems Into Praises

Problems are dangerous joy-killers. They sap your strength. They derail your focus. Even when others are rejoicing, your heart is troubled; there is a concern in your life that needs to be handled; you can’t sleep because of it. You may be asking yourself, “How can I praise God when I am in this situation?” As we meditate on this topic for some days, you will learn how you can turn your PROBLEMS into PRAISES. Just follow closely.

Steps To Increasing God's Favor In Your Life

Steps To Increasing God’s Favor In Your Life

The favour of God is that divine influence over a man’s life that makes him special on the earth. Think of David, Esther and Joseph. You can also enjoy such an influence. From this verse, we see that we can increase in the favour of God.

Growing in favour with God means building a good love relationship with Him that is personal and real. This was the case with Jesus Christ.


Loving God

The secret of greatness of all Christians in the kingdom of God is not their great faith, not their long prayers, but it is the depth of their love for God. These are men and women who gave themselves over to God out of love.
What does it mean to love God? To love God means to have a deep affection and reverence for everything that concerns God: His name, His Word, His house, His people, His work and His purpose.


You Can Have a Fresh Start With God

God is a God of new things, new beginnings, new life, fresh start. When things go wrong, when life goes bad, God gives a new start. There was a new start with Noah and his family in Genesis at the time when the world was corrupt and people were evil and wicked. There was a new start for Abraham when God told him to leave his country and family house and go to the land God promised him.


Tormented Men

Judge MacLeish calls my co-defendant saying, “Gregory Banks, this court has found you guilty of 11 counts of aiding and abetting in the murder of 11 persons. Your victim statements each require you to serve 12 years in prison which you will serve concurrently.” He turns to me next, saying, “Claude Restault, this court has found you guilty of 11 counts of murder in the first degree. Your victim statements each require you to serve 12 years in prison for each count concurrently.”


How To Win The Battles of Life

Verse 1 of 2 chronicles chapter 20 shows us the first principle in overcoming the battles of life:
Identify your enemy. This seems like a rather obvious principle but actually it isn’t.
Many people simply do not know who their enemy is. They start mistrusting everyone. Often we think the enemy is some other person even our own family members. But they may not be the ones who are standing against us but for us. Many times the enemy is our own attitude the way we handle the situation. Before we can start winning our battles we have to know who are enemy is.


Provoking Peace

So a few weeks ago, he presented himself for training to fight this ongoing war against the enemy. He loves his people and his nation, but all he wants is change. But he cannot see any other way but to fight Israeli oppression in the name of Allah. He remembers that in his youth he heard that he will have a reward in heaven if he sacrifices his life for this Jihad

Gratitude Makes the Difference

Gratitude Makes the Difference

Gratitude is a powerful force that we can harness. It’s not like the power of an internal combustion engine harnessing the power of burning fuel, but it’s more powerful and far less complicated. Gratitude was one of the keys that led me to gain freedom from depression.

kill the spirit of complaining

Let’s Kill the Spirit of Complain and Murmur

Complaining is annoying. Crying and complaining are characteristics of children and immaturity. Some people complaint without any cause and about everything.
The worst is to complain against God. Who will be your helper if you complain against God? To which court will you bring God? So, friends let us deal away with complaints by:

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