God’s Love and Affection For Us
By Eric Jinkwen ; –
Romans 5:8
"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Do you feel loved? It’s a wonderful thing knowing you are loved. Knowing that there is somebody out there that loves you makes you feel good inside ( love and affection for us). But if you feel unloved and feel that there is absolutely no one who even cares about you, then the lies of the Devil are working in you and creating a deep feeling of loneliness in you.
But listen to this. Even greater than a human being expressing love to you, Paul reveals to us that, God has shown a proof of His love for us by giving up His Son for us. There is not greater proof I’d God’s love for us than that.
Because of God’s love and affection for us, He has committed Himself to release His blessings on us. For instance, God says in Numbers 6:25-26 that He will…. make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; And He will …lift up his countenance upon you, and give thee peace. Praise the Lord!
What is He saying?
You are the object of His affection.
If you were the only human being alive on the planet, God would have sent Jesus to die for you. That’s how much you’re loved by the Father. I believe many of you reading this devotional are going to experience a real deliverance simply because you have realized that you are loved and highly favored of God. Even in the hard places, you have this confidence that everything is going to be all right because God is on your side, and He will never let you down.
Do you ever feel alone?
Like everyone else is against you?
Let’s find out what happens to people who are loved by God.
What shall we then say to these things?
If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give, us all things?
(Romans 8:31,32).
Read also: God’s great love is for you
Did you see that?
There are still a lot of Christians who are not convinced that God is for them. They think God is the enemy. How would you like to be commander-in-chief of an army where half of your troops don’t even know who the enemy is? Instead of facing the enemy, they always complain about their headquarter and their chief.
There are people always questioning God, “Why did You let this happen to me?” They don’t yet realize that God is for them and not against them! God did not cause this awful situation in your life to prove something to you.
He cares about you. You are so loved by God that He is willing to give you freely ALL things. He’s on your side! Stop blaming God. Stop listening to the lies of the Devil condemning you all the time and telling you how lousy you are, what a failure and a nobody you are. A person who listens to that all the time does not have a revelation of favor and honor.
Read also: Loving God
Prayer. O Father, I thank you that I am you beloved. I believe that if you did not spare your own Son and gave Him up for me, you shall not refuse me any good thing. I refuse to blame you and I choose to believe you love for me, in Jesus name, amen!