Expect Good Things From God
James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
Can you look again at the verse above?
What do we learn from it?
- God is the giver of good gifts.
- God is unchangeable and faithful.
He cannot become wicked. There is no variation or shadow of turning with Him. Expect good gifts from Him. God delights in the prosperity of His children. Expect good gifts from Him. There are so many people and even Christians who don’t expect good things to happen to them.
They are so pessimistic and negative about life and the future. We should not just be positive thinkers; in fact, we should have our mind renewed by the revelation of God’s word.
This automatically will transform us into faith people. Faith is the substance or the assurance of things hope for. Faith sees beyond the present and beyond the circumstances. Faith expects the impossible and believes the unthinkable. Faith people are more than just positive thinkers, because they know that they are winners and more than conquerors.
When you have something revealed to you from the Word of God, it builds your faith and causes you to become very positive about life. You’ll have a positive attitude, and you’ll expect to win in every adversity. Hallelujah!
Read also: I am a benefactor of God’s favor
Doubt and insecurity will vanish as you become more and more conscious of just how much favor and honor you have been given by God.
John 12:26 says, …if any man serve me, him will my Father honor.
If you have chosen to serve Jesus, then Jesus Himself said because of your decision, “My Father will honor you.” Hallelujah!
When you’re honored by someone, then you can expect to receive preferential treatment from him.
You must begin to walk in your God-given authority. You have authority over the circumstances that seem to be controlling your life; therefore, you should expect, through the Name of Jesus and the Word of God, to change those circumstances into something that turns out for your good.
When you truly know that God has crowned you with glory and honor, then you will walk in an expectancy of good things happening in your life, and no one will be able to convince you otherwise.
Even you language will change to match your beliefs.
Read also: How to win the battles of life
Prayer: Father, I thank you for the assurance of provision and protection that we have from Your word. I refuse to worry and to speak doubt, fear and worry. I am confident that good things are coming my way this week. I expect and them and I will see them in Jesus name, amen.