Develop and Maintain Godly Habits
By Eric Jinkwen ; –
Luke 4:16:
So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.
A habit is something you do often almost without thinking. It is also called a behavior, or custom.
Whatever we know to do today, we have learned to do it. Dressing up, bathing, brushing our teeth, cooking, etc. We all learned these habits at one point or the other.
They have become so natural and part of us that we have forgotten that we were not born with those skills.
There are also some negative habits and behaviors that came to us through learning and constant practices. Nobody was born a smoker, a drunkard or a thief. It all comes by constant practice. Unfortunately, many are trapped into those habits.
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Do you know that you can also learn godly and spiritual habits? Yes! In fact the best way to break free from ungodly habits is to replace them with godly ones.
Jesus Christ grew up with the habit of going to the synagogue and the Temple on the sabbath day. You remember the Bible says that, at the age of twelve, He was discussing with religious leaders in the Temple Court.
Our text reveals that when Jesus came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read, as His custom was. Hallelujah!
Jesus grew up with a custom, a habit: going into the synagogue. This is equivalent to going to church service today. You can develop and maintain such a habit.
You can make it part of your life. Do you go to church service every Sunday? More again, you can help your children develop and maintain this habit of going to church service every meeting time.
You can develop the following habits for yourself and for your children: the habit of rising up early to read the Bible and to pray every morning, the habit of fasting every week, the habit of giving church offering, the habit of reading books and so on.
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You develop habits by doing it consistently for a long period of time.
Godly habits will ensure you a successful and glorious destiny. May God help you to develop them in Jesus name.
Prayer: Lord, I thank you because what I have not been able to do, you can help me do them. Teach me to pray, to fast, to read and to serve you until they become habits in my life in Jesus name, amen!