Lessons Relationship and Marriage

Attitudes of Submission

A wise woman once said that “submission to one’s husband does not necessarily mean that one is lesser than him, but that someone has to be in charge.” “And after He had appeared in human form, He abased and humbled Himself [still further] and carried His obedience to the extreme of death, even the death of the cross!” Philippians 2:8, AMP. Dear woman, would you say then that you are a submissive wife?
The following attitude should reflect in you if you’re truly a submissive wife.

1. Fear of God

The fear of God is a deep reverence to God’s word and instructions. A woman who fears God would not rebel at the idea of submitting to her husband’s leadership, but would treat him respectfully. Are you God-fearing? Can your husband attest to this?

2. Humility

This nature is fully found in someone who has truly surrendered to God and has allowed the Holy Spirit to crucify his or her flesh to live the life of Christ. A humble person is open to correction and does not think too highly of himself. Humility will enable you to submit to your husband’s leadership even if you are older, more educated or earn more than him.

Read Also: The Impact of prayers In marriage

3. Obedience

This is the hallmark of submission. A submissive woman will obey the instructions, advice, and guidance of her husband as unto the Lord. She will not refuse to do what he says, as long as they are not evil. With a sense of humor, kindly carry out a litmus test by asking your husband to evaluate whether you have shown proof of the above attributes. If not, adjust quickly.

A story was told of a woman whose unbelieving husband was very promiscuous but with her love, patience, and respect coupled with ceaseless prayers, it was not long before the Holy Spirit arrested him. He recognized his errors, apologized to his wife, repented, and cut off from his concubine.

“Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.” 1 Peter 3:1-2, KJV.

Submission to one’s husband is not easy in some situations. To handle such situations without disobeying the command to submit, some attributes must be found in you.
We looked at some attributes of submission in the last devotion, but the following attributes will help your submission in adverse situations:

4. Love

A submissive woman like the one in the story above will love her husband dearly despite his errors (Titus 2:4). It takes love for a woman to persistently pray for the salvation of a man who hurts her.

5. Patience

This attitude of submission is reflected in a woman’s ability to endure unpleasant situations in her home, and yet not disobey or dishonor her husband but endure while praying for divine intervention.

6. Respect

A submissive woman is respectful. She does not abuse her husband or look down on him or his instructions, despite the husband’s imperfection. Allow the Holy Spirit to instill these attributes in you, so you can grow into your full potential as a Christian wife.

Read Also: Extremes in submission in marriage

Meditation: A submissive woman grows in love, patience, and respect for her husband.

Prayer: Lord, please help me to grow in submission in Jesus’ name. Amen

Confession: I will grow in submission.

By Abiodun Aremo

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