Steps To Increasing God’s Favor In Your Life
By Eric Jinkwen :- Steps To Increasing God’s Favor In Your Life
Luke 2:52, And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man.
The favour of God is that divine influence over a man’s life that makes him special on the earth. Think of David, Esther and Joseph. You can also enjoy such an influence. From this verse, we see that we can increase in the favour of God.
Growing in favour with God means building a good love relationship with Him that is personal and real. This was the case with Jesus Christ. He so much worked on His relationship with the Father that when He got baptized, the Father spoke from heaven, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”
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He had grown in favour with God and obviously in favour with man. Oh I can’t tell you how much this can open doors for you and usher you into great levels. May that statement be also spoken of you in Jesus name.
Let’s see how this increase in favour takes place in our lives.
- Consider your ways.
We read from Psalm 119:58,59, “I intreated Your favour with my whole heart: be merciful unto me according to Your word. I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto Your testimonies.”
The Psalmist is asking for more favour.
But notice in verse 59, it reveals to us what he did to increase in favour. He said, “I thought on my ways…” Obviously, if you are going to ask for favor to be increased, then your lifestyle must be pleasing to God.
In Haggai 1:5-7, God said: “Now therefore thus says the Lord of hosts; Consider your ways. You have sown much, but you have reaped little; you eat, but you do not have enough;… and he who earns wages has earned them to put them in a bag with holes in it. Thus says the Lord of Hosts: Consider your ways…” (The Amplified Bible)
Notice it didn’t say, “Consider God’s ways.” There’s nothing wrong with God’s ways. It says, Consider your ways, your previous and present conduct (v.7) Ways could be defined your course of action,
your methods and manners, your conduct and your behavior, they have everything to do with whether or not you will increase in the favor of God.
So, if you want to increase in God’s favor, then take an inventory of your ways today. If you find things in your life that you know are not pleasing to God, then correct them, repent and abandon them. It could be immoral thoughts and lifestyle, stealing, lies telling, carelessness with God’s word, pride, marital unfaithfulness and so on.
Take authority over them, and get them out of your life so that youcan begin to walk in greater levels of God’s favour. Hallelujah.
Please take the time this morning to consider your ways. Have you been living in lies telling, sexual immorality, marital unfaithfulness, pride, negligence of God’s word and God’s house, disobedience, insubordination to your leaders, etc. Consider your ways and ask God to forgive you.
If you need help, you can contact your pastor or contact me.
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Steps To Increasing God’s Favor In Your Life
Proverbs 8:33,35. "Hear instruction and be wise, And do not disdain it. For whoever finds me finds life, And obtains favor from the Lord"
We established the first point of how we can grow in favour as Considering our ways. We must trust God everyday to help us consider and adjust our ways to His. Only by beginning to with Considering our ways can we be enrolled in the institute of divine favour. Secondly, we must:
- Continually Seek God
Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not. Blessed is the man that hears me, watching daily at my gates, wailing at the posts of my doors. For whoever finds me finds life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord. (Proverbs 8:33-35)
“Finds me” is a key to increasing in God’s favor. Continually seek Him and keep your ears open to His voice and listen to His instructions for your life. Learn to be sensitive so you can hear His voice clearly.
How do you find Him?
By spending quality time with Him. Spend time reading His Word and praying in the Spirit so that you can get to know Him more intimately. The more intimate your fellowship with Him becomes, the more of His favor you’ll experience. - Be Obedient
Be obedient to God’s instructions. Obviously, the more obedient you are to God, the more capability you have of increasing in His favor. People who are disobedient don’t walk in favor. When you hear God’s instructions, don’t hesitate—be quick to obey. The person who will do that will not only find
life, but he’ll walk in a greater levels of the favor of the Lord. Hallelujah!
Prayer. Father, help me to establish a habit of seeking you and your word every morning. Grant me the grace that as I seek you and your word, that I will obey you in Jesus name, amen!
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Increasing in God’s Favour
Proverbs 3:1,4 My son, do not forget my law, But let your heart keep my commands; And so find favor and high esteem In the sight of God and man.
Apart from considering your ways, continually seeking the Lord, and being obedient, in order to grown n favour, you need to also,
- Hunger for Truth
My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments …Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about your neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: So shall you find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man. (Proverbs 3:1-4)
You must create a hunger for truth in your heart. Peter says, crave for the milk of the word. Seek it with all of your heart. It will create streams of favour in your life.
Remember, Jesus said that those who continue in His Word shall know the truth and the truth shall make them free. Hallelujah! - Strive for Excellence
He that diligently seeks good procures favour: but he that seeks mischief, it shall come unto him.
(Proverbs 11:27)
What does He mean by this? In other words, develop a lifestyle of seeking out that which is good and pleasing to God.
Don’t always look for the shortcuts in life. Short cut in your profession, in marriage and so on. Cameroonians love what is free.
Look for the things that put a demand on your life to become the best you can possibly be. Look for ways to be a blessing to others. When you are favorable toward others then more favour comes to you. When you show mercy to others, mercy will come to you. - Don’t Ever Lose Your Zeal for the Word.
Whosoever despises the word shall he destroyed: but he that fears the commandment shall be rewarded. The law of the wise is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death. Good understanding gives favour. (Proverbs 13:13,14)
Notice He says, “Whosoever despises the Word…” I have seen this happen to many Christians: “I’m so tired of studying the Word!
I’m so tired of having to be in the Word all the time.” The Word has become irksome to them. The violate the word. They’ve lost their zeal for the Word. They used to be zealous. They bought all the Christian books.
They bought all the most inspirational tapes. They went to all the seminars. They couldn’t get enough of the Word. But then, you don’t see them quite as frequently. You notice they don’t talk the Word like they used to.
Do you know anyone like this? They’ve lost their desire for the Word. According to this scripture, when you lose your zeal for the Word, you literally cut yourself off from increased favor. Never lose your zeal for the Word. Never lose your hunger for revelation knowledge and always desire
understanding! Good understanding gives favor.
The more you understand God’s way ways, the more you’re going to walk in His favour.
Praise the Lord!
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Prayer: Lord, lead and inspire me to remain zealous and passionate for your word. Increase your favour upon me. Favour in my professions, finances, in my family and in the society in Jesus name, amen.
Receiving Favour in Times of Trouble
Psalm 102:13
"You shall arise and have mercy upon Zion for the time to favor her, yea the set time is come."
Have you ever been overwhelmed by anything?
Have you ever had a problem that consumed your mind 24 hours a day and there seemed to be no solution to it?
In Psalm 102, we read about a man who is completely overwhelmed by his situation, he needs an answer from God, and he needs it immediately. I am sure some of us can relate to this.
“Hear my prayer O Lord and let my cry come unto You. Hide not Your face from me in the day when I
am in trouble; incline your ear unto me: in the day when I call answer me speedily” (vv. 1,2).
He is getting right to the point. “God, I need an answer, and Indeed real fast.” Are you like that right now? Yes, troubles can take away your peace, take away your sleep and appetite, take away your dreams. Troubles can leave you lonely. He goes on to say in verses 4 to 13, “My heart is smitten, and withered like grass: and so that I forget to eat my bread.
By reason of the voice of my groaning my bones cleave to my skin. I am like a pelican of the wilderness: I am like an owl in the desert. I watch, and am a sparrow alone upon the house top… For I have eaten ashes like bread, and mingled my drink with weeping… My days are like a shadow that declines…
You shall arise, and have, mercy upon Zion: for the time to favor her, yea, the set time, is come.”
Notice that even though this man is overwhelmed by his adversity, he still recognizes that he is entitled to the favor of God. When many of us are faced with overwhelming situations, it’s easy to become problem-minded rather than solution-minded. We tend to forget our covenant during a trial.
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Sometimes the problem can be so overwhelming that it’s all you can think about. But notice in the midst of all of this, the Psalmist remembers that he is entitled to God’s favor. You are entitled to God’s favour as well, no matter the problem.
The reason he knows he is entitled to it is because he’s a covenant man. He has a relationship with God.
Notice he says, “You shall arise and have mercy upon Zion for the time to favor her, yea the set time is come.”
Once he begins to get his mind off the problem and starts thinking about the favor of God, he begins to speak more positively.
He begins to talk about what God will do when He arises and what the favor of God will do when it comes on the scene. You need to realize that no matter what you are going through and no matter how severe it is, you are entitled to the favor of God, but you need to learn to expect that favor.
The Amplified says it this way, … the moment designated has come… There is a moment designated for you to experience the favor of God. Every new day, His favour is new. Every time you have been under pressure, and your situation looked impossible, the Devil said, “There is no way,” but God always seemed to find a way.
Isn’t that right!” Well, that was a manifestation of God’s favour. When you expect it to come, it will cause you to remain positive and change your perspective about your outcome. Hallelujah!
Prayer: O Lord, You shall arise and have mercy upon me for the time to favor me, yea the set time is come. I shall cone out of this trouble by the favour of God