
You Can Have a Fresh Start With God

By Rev Jinkwen Eric

Isaiah 43:18-19
“Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert."

God is a God of new things, new beginnings, new life, fresh start. When things go wrong, when life goes bad, God gives a new start. There was a new start with Noah and his family in Genesis at the time when the world was corrupt and people were evil and wicked. There was a new start for Abraham when God told him to leave his country and family house and go to the land God promised him. There was a new start for the Israelites when God led them out the bondage of Egypt. You can have a fresh start. It is possible, no matter your past or present situation.
See what God says in Revelation 21: 5, “Then He who sat on the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new.’”
Di you see that? ALL THINGS NEW. Have you felt like you are stuck in the past? You feel like frozen on the same spot. Nothing is new in your life, God wants to give you a fresh start.
In Isaiah 43, God was preparing a new start for His people. Haven gone through some stressful moments with the Chaldeans and other nations, God’s people were carrying the painful memories of the past and the dreadful thoughts of the future. God who loved them and who knew their conditions, came with a powerful word. What do we learn from this word?

read also: Get To Know The Holy Spirit

1) A fresh start begins with a renewal of our minds with new thoughts.

V18 says, Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. It all begins in the mind. A new life in Christ begins with a decision to change one’s mind, that is repentance. The whole process of the Christian life is sustained with continual changes or renewal of our mind (Romans 12:2). If you want a fresh start, you need to change your thoughts. Send out the old stuff. Stop playing the old song. Get a new one and you will have a fresh start.

2) God Himself sets in for a new start when we decide to change.

In V19a we read, Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? God is the author of new things in our lives. Give Him a chance to work it out.

3) Expect the impossible with God.

V19b I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Don’t limit God in what He can do. Don’t remain in the Old patterns of how things happen. Expect a miracle, then you will see God at work. Step out in faith, dream a new dream. Dream a new relationship. Dream a new project. Hallelujah!

read also: The Lord Strong And Mighty

Prayer: Father, I thank you for making provisions for new starts in our lives. I make up my mind for a new start. Lord, I choose not to remember the former things, nor to consider the things of old. Please, do a new thing in my life. Make a road for me in this wilderness and create rivers in this desert. Thank you Lord, in Jesus name, amen.


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