
10 Bible Verses and Reasons That Explain Jesus is God

For many years, people have talked about whether Jesus is God. Lets look at 10 Bible verses that show why some believe that Jesus is God and an important part of the Trinity as God the Son

1. Isaiah 9:3, The Prophetic Declaration of Isaiah

Isaiah predicted Jesus’s arrival, describing Him with divine titles. This suggests Jesus isn’t just a historical figure, but God in human form.

2. Colossians 1:15 and Colossians 2:9, The Affirmation of Apostle Paul

Paul tells us Jesus mirrors God perfectly and contains the entire nature of God. This means Jesus is more than a teacher; He’s God visible to us.

3. Matthew 3:16-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22, The Baptism of Jesus

At Jesus’s baptism, God’s voice from heaven introduces Him as His Son. This moment shows us the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit together, making it clear Jesus is a part of God.

4. Genesis 1:26, The Creation Narrative

When God says, “Let us make man in our image,” it hints at Jesus being there at creation. It’s like God was not alone, but with Jesus, planning the world.

5. John 1:1-5, John 1:14, The Gospel According to John

John writes about ‘the Word’ being with God and being God, and then says the Word became flesh. This tells us Jesus was there from the start, not just a man, but God in human form.

6. John 8:56-59, John 10:30-31, Jesus’ Revelation of His Identity

Jesus boldly claims to be more than a prophet. He says He’s ‘I Am’, a name used for God. This shows He’s not just a good man, but God Himself.

7. John 17, The Prayer of Jesus

In His prayer, Jesus asks for a unity that reflects His unity with God. It’s like He’s showing us He’s part of God, sharing the same heart and purpose.

8. Isaiah 48:16, Isaiah 7:14, The Prophecy of Isaiah

Isaiah spoke of a child named Immanuel, which means ‘God with us’. This child is Jesus, showing us He’s not just a miracle worker, but God in a human body.

9. Hebrews 1:2-3, Hebrews 7:17-27, The Epistle to the Hebrews

Here, Jesus is described as shining with God’s glory and representing Him exactly. It’s like looking at Jesus is the same as looking at God.

10. Genesis 1:2-3, The Role of Jesus in Creation

The Spirit of God moving over the waters during creation suggests Jesus’s presence. It’s as if Jesus, along with the Spirit, was actively involved in making the world.

Read also: Is God and Jesus the same person in the Bible ?

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