
Ladies and Gentlemen Talk (First Edition)

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, here comes the long awaited 1st edition of The Ladies and Gentlemen Talk ?.It’s going to be an awesome session to learn, interact, pray and network with other youths from all over Cameroon and beyond. This edition’s theme is ; “How To Control Sexual Urge And Overcome Masturbation”. This year’s edition […]


Ladies and Gentlemen of Exploits

Came into existence in November 26- 2015 in Yaoundé, that means today makes this vision exactly seven years old, but we pushed the birthday celebration to the 4th so we can have a cutting of the cake during our discussion time..
We have been able to achieve a lot and carried out lots of activities, and touch many lives.

Lessons From The Parable Of The Ten Lepers

Lessons From The Parable Of The Ten Lepers

Jesus Christ was interrupted by ten lepers who stood from affar because of their condition. They were yelling at Jesus, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us”. They were requesting to be healed of their leprosy. They recognized Him as the Messiah, the Master who could help them out of their pitiful condition. He simply gave an instruction, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.”

Build the habits of giving thanks to God

Build the habit of giving thanks to God

In most Churches we have entered the season of Harvest Thanksgiving or Annual Thanksgiving. It is a period set apart to intentionally appreciate God for His goodness and kindness towards us. In reality, we have to thank God everyday of our lives because His goodness and kindness do not come to us in a particular season, they are for life.


A Vision Takes Process

The law of process teaches us that some accomplishments takes time to be fulfilled. Some achievements needs time to be built. We live at a time when many young people want to bypass process and just arrived at the final product.
To have a chocolate, there is a process from the cocoa farm to the factory. To have a baby, there is a process from pregnancy to delivery.


Between the request and the answer

Most requests we make to God take some times to manifest in our lives. For that reason, many children of God miss the mark and hurry to make up a human way to their needs and problems. We need to know that there is a big difference between “not yet” and “no.” Children do no know the difference. When you say “not yet” to a child, he or she takes it for a “no”.


A Delay is not Denial

God has a timing for every purpose on earth and in our lives. He promised a son to Abraham, it took 25 years for the promise to be fulfilled. He made a promise to Noah, it took 120 years for it to come true. Moses was moved by God to deliver His people, yet God waited 40 years for Moses to mature and become humble behind sheep.

Waiting on the Lord

Waiting on the Lord

John Maxwell said, “The most difficult place for you to be in life is in God’s waiting room.” Some of you are there right now. When you are in a hurry for something to happen and God is not. You are in God’s waiting room. Some of you are in a hurry to graduate, to get married, to start a family, to lunch a new business, to close a big deal.


I am Eternally Blessed in Jesus Christ

Christianity is not a religion; it is the life of God operating in man. It is an adoption into a new life. Through Jesus Christ, God has given access to eternal life to all humans. Those who believe in the Gospel message about God’s love, forgiveness, and the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, have access to a new kind and a new dimension of life, a life of blessedness.


Escape The Danger of Rejecting or Twisting God’s Word

Anyone who does not adhere to God’s word is under judgment of the word. The blessings of God are in obedience. We must actively obey the word of we want to see God’s blessings. In John 13:17, Jesus Christ spoke to His Disciples, If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them. So, it is our obedience to God’s word that releases his blessings in our lives.

Devotionals Relationship and Marriage
Can Christians marry unbelievers

Can Christians marry unbelievers

There is a great mistake that many born again children of God commit today, getting married to unbelievers. One of the causes of curses in some people’s life is called, Ungodly Covenants
In Exodus 23: 32, God is clear about this: “You shall make no covenant with them, nor with their gods.” Marriage is a covenant and once you enter into a marriage covenant with an unbeliever, you also enter into a covenant with his or her gods.

Use Your Mouth To Bless Your Life

Use Your Mouth To Bless Your Life

Our passage says, For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” What you say about yourself and your circumstances is very important. Your words will either bless, free you or will curse and condemn you in poverty and lack.
Long ago, Solomon gave this strong declaration, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.”
(Proverbs 18:21).

Respect and Honor to Authority is a Divine Commands

Respect and Honor to Authority is a Divine Commands

We saw different levels of authority established by God for the purpose of order, calling and principles. We cannot have two leading commanders in the same boat.
Taking the case of government and citizens, many people and even Christians have been taught and led to think that the government is evil and that we should pray against the government and against those in government. This idea has also been promoted along the years because some government leaders have been antagonistic to the church and her missions. But, let’s have a different view today through God’s word.

How To Deal With Curses

How To Deal With Curses

A curse is a negative force most often transmitted through negative words that predisposes its victim to unfortunate circumstances or results. When you observe one of these in your life or in your family, it can be an indication of a curse. Please, read the verses in Deuteronomy 28.
A curse is like a long evil and invisible arm that pulls its victim backward, downward. A curse is a dark shadow blocking the God’s sunlight in the victim’s life. The good news is that in Christ Jesus, God has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son.


Operating in the Blessings

The Bible contains universal truths and revelations that can help us interpret times and seasons of our lives. More importantly, it helps us to know what we can do when we face hardships. God has written down what a man can do to move from a condition of curses to a life of blessings. You can choose a life of blessings and fulfilment today. The Bible shows us how to do that. Let’s begin by seeing what a blessing is.
A blessing is…

Daily Inspiration

Daily Inspiration VCGW

Hello Someone! God says, He chose you. You were not a mistake neither a coincidence; and besides there is no coincidence in Christ. God chose you even before you were conceived and appointed you for a great task- a task you can only fulfil in Christ Jesus at the right time.
When things go well for others and seems bad on your side at the moment, don’t get sad; don’t lose hope.

The Covenant Keeping God

Encounter God through His Covenants

The next important Covenant in the Bible is the Davidic Covenant. This Covenant was in reference to the Messiah who will come from the lineage of David and reign forever on His throne. That Son is Jesus Christ who again is called Son of David, one of the favorite names of Jesus Christ that appealed to the mercy of God.


Dealing with Psychological Trauma

There are two main kinds of trauma. One is medical trauma we experience as a result of a physical injury to our bodies. What follows is having to heal from the injury. However, we can also experience another kind of trauma as a result and it is also common.

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