
You are Blessed to be a Blessing

Most often when Christians pray they pray like this: “Lord, send someone to bless ME. Father, please send MY destiny helper.” What’s wrong with this prayer? If it ends here, the prayer is too selfish. When are we going to also be destiny helpers to others? A blessing to others?


Covetousness Forbidden

Covetousness Forbidden Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee (Hebrews 13:5) Covetousness is a mortal sin that has taken over our society. Today, many people want to get rich by all means and at all […]


Your Prayers Matter in Heaven

What happens when the righteous pray? Well the common knowledge is that our prayers are heard and answered by God. That is right. But do you know that there are services held in heaven during which our prayers are literally offered as sacrifices on a golden altar?


What a Container Are You?

1 Peter 4:7 The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.
1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
1 Peter 4:9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.


Abundant Life Christian Women Empowerment

The problems Solved;
Low-income-earning women, single mothers and young girls face many barriers to economic security. They struggle to strike a balance between work and family, studies, child rearing and supporting family members. Women facing economic security understand the lack of education and vocational training opportunities, well-paid and stable jobs with affordable and quality child education or access to quality and affordable educational services for children and single mothers.


Do Everything For The Glory of God

We can analyze and meditate on this theme all our lives because it is the very reason for our existence on earth. I am on earth to glorify God. God created us to glorify him and all the redeemed must give more glory to God by their lives. The big question is how to glorify God?


Bring Someone Else to Jesus Christ

There is a good and normal practice that is gradually dying among many Christians today, Evangelism or Witnessing. Let me ask you, when is the last time you invited someone to Church or preach the Gospel to someone?
When Andrew found Jesus Christ, it did not take long for him to invite his brother Peter. Our passage says, ” The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah” (that is, the Christ).”


Close That Opened Door

When you experience somethings in your life that are not supposed to take place, you should begin to suspect that there is a door opened that should be closed. From our main verse above, Jesus does not only open doors, He can also help you to shut some doors. Hallelujah! What are such doors that needs to be close?


Your Problem Has an Expiring Date

If a problem in your life has a beginning date, let me tell you that it also most have an expiring date. Peter was communicating to his readers that their suffering will last just a while and not forever. So, beloved, according to God, you are not supposed to suffer forever. Whatever problem you can be facing right now, there is a way out with God.


Walk In Obedience To Him

Any thinking about ‘The fear of the Lord’ is corrected and redefined and by obedient walk in Him.
Walk here is going down life’s road; not a short or long trip.
So, how’s your walk in Him, obedient or any how? Is your obedience selective or you simply a strive to be an obedient child of His?


Put It To Use!

The greatest challenge for you and I to use our potentials to maximum is often viewed to be from outside of us. So many of us prefer the policy of self-protection and risk aversion – the opposite of the courage to which God calls us believers in Christ.


Where Is Your Treasure?

No one invests on things that are not valuable to him or her. No one wastes his or her time on what he or she does not consider important. What you consider important draws your heart along; your heart follows your priorities.

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