Daily Inspiration VCGW
Day 1 – 6
God Is Working It Out!
18: But the LORD says, “Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago.
19: Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already – you can see it now!
(Isaiah 43:18-19)
One of the things that keep us down most of the time, is regrets/thoughts of our past experiences. The bad memories weigh on us; causing multiple thoughts of regrets and unhappy moments. Sometimes, as a result of this, we lose the desire to live our lives to the fullest as we ought to; being grieved, sorrowful… over issues that have long passed. But God is saying, “AM DOING SOMETHING NEW NOW”.
Your past is gone and God is your present; and He is working out something new again. Let go of the past and embrace the new things God is doing now. He is taking you into a new arena of love, abundance, favor, understanding etc. He is uplifting you from where you are now, just trust Him and let go of the past.
It may be difficult but you’ve got to trust God and let go now. GOD is working it out!
God Loves You!
You Were Chosen
16: You did not choose me but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear much fruit, the kind that endures. And so, the Father will give you whatever you ask him in my name.
(JOHN 15:16)
Hello Someone! God says, He chose you. You were not a mistake neither a coincidence; and besides there is no coincidence in Christ. God chose you even before you were conceived and appointed you for a great task- a task you can only fulfil in Christ Jesus at the right time.
When things go well for others and seems bad on your side at the moment, don’t get sad; don’t lose hope. Cheer for them and remember that you were chosen for a purpose: you have your own space to excel in, that no one else can occupy.
Rejoice when things are good and rejoice as well when they seem moderate or not good at all. Be optimistic, knowing that you were chosen from the very beginning and when God’s time comes, you will
definitely bear the right fruits. Stay focused!
God Loves You!
Learn to Persist
20: He will not break off a bent reed, or put out a flickering lamp. He will persist until he causes justice to triumph, …(MATHEW 12:18-21)
Many of us sometimes give up too soon. We try something out, it starts well then all of a sudden, something else happens hindering what we were doing.
And we then feel discouraged or disappointed and give up on everything. We find it difficult to accomplish our dreams/ visions, ending up as a nobody in everybody’s eyes. But there is something you need to know; if that dream must come through and if that goal has to be met, then you need to PERSIST!
JESUS CHRIST our Lord was called to lay his life for us to be saved and that he did. The scripture says “He will persist until justice triumph…” and that he did and we are now saved. Likewise, if you must succeed in whatever, then you must persist: strive more, work harder, pray harder until you make it to the pick of your goals.
God Loves You!
What Is My Purpose?
16: You did not choose me but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear much fruit, the kind that endures. And so, the Father will give you whatever you ask him in my name. (JOHN 15:16)
By now, at this stage of your life, you should be able to answer the above question; because God didn’t just create you to come eat, drink, sleep, do your own stuffs then die. No! He created you to come and fit in somewhere and somewhere specifically defined by him. Meaning, you are not called to do everything nor anything; you have a definite task you must accomplish because whether you like it or not, you’ve got to give account of your time spent on earth.
You must inquire from the Lord your purpose of existence and that as soon as possible. Remember, you
are called to bear fruits at the appointed time and that can only be possible if you know the fruits you ought to bear. Pray unto the Father and ask him to clearly reveal it to you. Don’t live a wasted life; many are waiting on you.
Act Wisely
19: Robbery always claims the life of the robber – this is what happens to anyone who lives by violence. (PROVERBS 1:19)
Hello! I will like you to know today that every act committed is like a seed planted to be harvested
later. The moment of harvest is always unpredictable. In other words, everything you do has repercussions; which is either good or bad but not both; and the time to be paid back is hardly predictable.
So, whatever you want to do, reflect on the consequences on yourself and the others. Be sure
and carefully check to see if what you are about to do is right, just and fair: I.E Is it in accordance with
God’s word? – is it done in the required/desired way and most especially, will it be profitable to all? Be
wise and act properly because sooner or later, you will have to reap it.
Virtue of Christ Glorious Words Production
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God Loves You!
By: Bechem Garette