
Jesus Ascended Bodily into Heavens

Jesus himself had told his disciples that it was good for him to go away, because only then would he send them another Helper, the Spirit of truth (John 16:7-16). And that’s exactly what happened on the Day of Pentecost, ten days after Jesus’ ascension. The Spirit descended on the church with power, inaugurating a new age in the history of salvation.


Believing Leads You to See God’s Glory

Abundant Life Devotional By Eric Jinkwen Believing Leads You to See God’s Glory John 11:40: Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” Mary and Martha had a brother called Lazurus who became critically sick. They were all close friends of […]

Seeking God's Truth

Seeking God’s Truth

We must come to understand that spiritual growth is the process by which falsity is replaced by the truth.
Seeking God’s truth requires energy!
The truth has the ability to make us holy. Sanctification requires the revelation of the word of God.
The revelation is progressive and growth as well.


How Wrong is Rape?

I won’t be able to convince anyone that rape or sexual assault is morally wrong. It’s one of those things which, when we look at it, we make our own minds up, but we won’t be able to convince the accused of such a crime that it is morally wrong.


Be the Light in the Darkness 

We are living in the last days.  We can see the perilous and dark times that we are living in.  The Apostle Paul described the last days in  2 Timothy 3:1-5.  He said, “But understand this, that in the last days will come (set in) perilous times of great stress and trouble


Can I Get Free from Addiction?

Can I Get Free from Addiction? If you find yourself asking yourself if you can beat addiction, my answer is anything is possible with God. How do I know? I was stuck in addiction for a long time and found freedom from it, by the grace of God. It’s good that you are here, not […]


They Will Not Prevail

This truth very much applies to the case of Christ and the Pharisees. Long before Christ came into the world, the Pharisees commanded high esteem among the Jews. They, indeed, craved the praise of men and positioned themselves as custodians of God’s holy standard.

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