The Mercy of God

The Mercy of God

I want you this morning to see how merciful this God is. God is not after the destruction of men he created in His imagine. No! He does not take pleasure in the killing of sinners. Rather, because of His great mercy, He gives an opportunity to every one to repent and be saved.
God is not against you. What ever trouble you face, don’t blame God for any unfortunate situation in your live. Wickedness is not of God.


Believing Leads You to See God’s Glory

Abundant Life Devotional By Eric Jinkwen Believing Leads You to See God’s Glory John 11:40: Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” Mary and Martha had a brother called Lazurus who became critically sick. They were all close friends of […]


Hear and Think Right

We all need changes in our lives and positive changes is what we desire most. Change whether positive or negative, results from the words you pay attention to, and the thoughts they stir up in your heart. The Lord Jesus taught His disciples to hear and think right. In Mark 4:24, He said “…Take heed what you hear…” Then in Luke 8;18, He said, ” Take heed therefore how you hear …”


Choose the Ways of God

We know that Moses was a very great leader. Beside the fact that Moses was faithful in God’s service is the also the fact that God said of him, “I speak with him face to face, even plainly, and not in dark sayings; And he sees the form of the LORD.”


What to Do When the Vision Delays.

It is very easy for discouragement to set in in out heart when we have waited for the fulfilment of our dreams for long. This is the end of February 2022 and nothing seems to have been accomplished so far. This is when many people abandoned their goals and objectives of the year. There is no reason to despair and to panic.


Words Mean Everything

One of the greatest gift given to man is the gift of Words; the ability to express himself in words. It is an extraordinary gift from God to human beings. Your inner personality comes out in words. Your words are important and they mean everything. Sadly, many haven’t

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