Align Yourself

Align Yourself

Many of us, even children of God, think that what God has destined for us will surely come to pass no matter the time it may take and irrespective of what we do with our lives, leaving out the fact that we have a role to play in God’s divine plan for our lives.
How mistaken can we be?!

Have You Been Marked

Have You Been Marked?

Have You Been Marked? God will put his mark (stamp) of ownership on you for the day of redemption; you will be raised with every other believer and not be exempted like those without the mark.
Thus to receive the mark of God you need to receive God’s Spirit and this can only be possible if you are saved (born again)…

How To Pray Effectively With The Mind

How To Pray Effectively With The Mind

Prayer , is an act of communication with your Father, the LORD GOD. It is a too and fro process; where which you say something and you expect an answer in return. In other words, it is a one on one meeting with God. And if you must always get results after such prayers, you actually need to know how to go about it the right way.
In today’s study, we are going to talk about praying with your mind; which is simply praying with your understanding…


Hear and Think Right

We all need changes in our lives and positive changes is what we desire most. Change whether positive or negative, results from the words you pay attention to, and the thoughts they stir up in your heart. The Lord Jesus taught His disciples to hear and think right. In Mark 4:24, He said “…Take heed what you hear…” Then in Luke 8;18, He said, ” Take heed therefore how you hear …”


Release Your Faith

The story is told of villagers who waited for rain for a long time. One day, they agreed to gather and pray for God to send them rain. On the set day as they came together, there was a young boy among them who came with an umbrella.

Seeking God's Truth

Seeking God’s Truth

We must come to understand that spiritual growth is the process by which falsity is replaced by the truth.
Seeking God’s truth requires energy!
The truth has the ability to make us holy. Sanctification requires the revelation of the word of God.
The revelation is progressive and growth as well.


Choose the Ways of God

We know that Moses was a very great leader. Beside the fact that Moses was faithful in God’s service is the also the fact that God said of him, “I speak with him face to face, even plainly, and not in dark sayings; And he sees the form of the LORD.”


The Unforgivable Sin

So what does it mean to blaspheme the Holy Spirit? How would we ever do that?
I think it’s good that there’s only one unforgivable sin, but the idea seems to leave a hidden hole to fall into. Doesn’t it? So I needed more clarity, because I didn’t want to fall into that hole.


What to Do When the Vision Delays.

It is very easy for discouragement to set in in out heart when we have waited for the fulfilment of our dreams for long. This is the end of February 2022 and nothing seems to have been accomplished so far. This is when many people abandoned their goals and objectives of the year. There is no reason to despair and to panic.


La Façon dont Vous Vous voyez est Importante

La faible estime de soi est une maladie mentale qui touche de nombreuses personnes aujourd’hui. Beaucoup de gens ont une opinion basse, négative et déformée d’eux-mêmes. Ils se méprisent. Une faible estime de soi est différente de l’humilité qui est l’attitude de vous rabaisser même si vous savez que vous êtes grand.


How You See Yourself Matters

Low self-esteem is a mental disease that is affecting many people today. Many people have a low, negative and distorted opinion about themselves. They look down on themselves. Low self-esteem is different from humility which is the attitude of bringing down


Your Attitude Is the Difference

Attitude does not only make the difference, attitude is the difference in people. Attitude is the secret behind altitude. Attitude was the difference in Joshua and Caleb on one side and the ten other spies on the other side. It is what the Bible calls in Joshua and Caleb, a different spirit. Our passage says, “But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit…”

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